Butterfield Green - A panel in the Orchard in memory of Billy Guadella who used to attend the Project. The mosaic was funded by Billy's family and friends as well as the local community The border contains some of the treasures that Billy had collected and the words were one of their favourite sayings .

Simmons House - Entrance sign made with staff and residents at Simmons House Adolescent Unit, Highgate. the design shows plants traditionally associated with healing.

Panel for Sensory Garden at a Residential Home for people with severe disabilities, Mitcham.
Unsung Heroes - panel made to commemorate the work of volunteers during the pandemic
Welcome Signs for Fellows Court Community Centre, Weymouth Terrace, Hackney. Mosaics made with local residents as part of the Silver Linings Project.

Sign for the lovely Wenlock Orchard on Wenlock Barn estate, Hoxton

Sign for the Levy Memorial Ground, Yoakley street, off Stoke Newington Church street. (2015)
Various organisations have commissioned the Project to make decorative signs, including Lifeline and the Growing Kitchen in Hoxton.
Some of these have been made away from the workshop, involving organisation members and the public. The Olympic torches were made as the torches travelled through Hackney in 2012.
It is an enjoyable community activity with a lasting outcome that everyone can be proud of.

Signs and Panels